Thursday, November 17, 2011

OWS-using a hammer to put out a fire

This is a infectious disease blog, but I can't pass up an observation on current events.

The occupation of Wall Street got our attention, but now they are just pissing people off. They may have a few thousand protesters but there are 8.3 million people in NYC, and OWS is rapidly losing public support. When did this become a freedom of speech issue? A battle against the police? Every hour of police overtime is another city worker who will get laid off.  Is this the goal? To increase unemployment?  I thought greed was the enemy? Law enforcement should be an ally not an adversary. Does anyone believe that Bernie Madoff was the only crook on Wall Street? Don’t we want them investigating crooks instead of cleaning up the mess?

OWS get your heads out of the sixties. Regroup. Find a charismatic, well spoken, respected leader. Develop an agenda. Make a list of action items. Having people pull their money out of big banks in favor of credit unions was a good one. How about organizing a no stock trade week? Use the Internet, social media. Be creative. That will get Wall Street’s attention. They make money on every trade whether we do or not. Right now they are sitting up in their towers laughing at your foolishness. Hit them where it hurts, in their fat wallets. March to Washington to change legislation, but stay off the Brooklyn Bridge. Don’t litter.  Right now we the general public view OWS like a toddler throwing a tantrum. We hear you crying and see you misbehaving but we don’t know what you want. Use your big boy voice.

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