Monday, August 13, 2012

The fallacy of IT security

Forgive me readers for it has been many weeks since I have last written. It is not because infectious diseases have gone away. To the contrary, there is a new new flu virus, H3N2v that has emerged again in pigs and has caused some recent furor though thus far the illness is mild. There have been more iatrogenic outbreaks related to poor infection control and there's even an Ebola outbreak in Uganda with 23 cases and 16 deaths. No info on how the outbreak began though. The reason I have taken a hiatus from the blog is to focus on the new novel and it occupies all of my writing hours.

But when something sticks in my craw I just have to get it down on cyber paper. At work, the latest bureaucratic brainstorm is to require password changes for the application we use to log our time every three months. I want to know if anyone had ever suffered a breach. Really, who would want to crack into this system? Perhaps to steal some sick days? I bet they go for a few hundred apiece on the black and blue market.

Let's see, now I have at least three or four other work related passwords, all of which expire far too frequently, then there's email, twitter, bank accounts... soo many that I've had to write them all down.  In the same location in fact, so that I have them handy in case I forget. Check that multiple locations. But wait, doesn't that defeat the purpose of having expiring passwords?

Yes, it most certainly does. WTF?

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